Win More Brewery Customers by Understanding Their Customer Journey

Understanding the steps someone takes to become your customer is critical to the success of your marketing strategy. Doing so will help you better communicate with your target audience, convert them into paying customers, and inspire them to refer you to even more people. 

Us marketing geeks refer to these steps as the customer journey, and we want to take this opportunity to unpack the concept. To help demystify the marketing-speak, we invited Sara Nay (COO of Duct Tape Marketing) on to the Get Hoptimized Podcast. 

Have a listen, it’s a half-hour well worth your time. 

Sara Nay is the COO at Duct Tape Marketing, Founder of Spark Lab Consulting, Scalable Business Advisor and host of the Agency Spark Podcast.  With 12+ years working in the small business space, it is her passion to install marketing and operating systems for small business owners so they can get more clarity and freedom in their lives.  Outside of work, Sara tries to spend as much time as possible outdoors with her daughters and husband - from skiing to hiking to biking to camping.  

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West Sixth Brewing, Interview with Kelly Hieronymus


Grow Your Brewery With Effective Communication